common geology terms

Also called rock-slide, this avalanche is characterized by the sudden fall of a large volume of rocks, resulting from an earthquake or temperature changes. Partial Melting Also known as incomplete melting of rocks, this process is characterized by the melting of rock minerals whose melting point is same as that of the magma, which is in contact with that rock. It is a type of texture seen in igneous rocks that are made up of very fine crystals and/or mineral particles that cannot be identified with naked eyes. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. It is developed from shale, and can break into thin sheets due to its foliated nature. This rock has a glass-like texture, and hence, it is also called volcanic glass. Most of the banded iron formations are estimated to have formed 2 billion years ago. This sediment is made up of dissolved minerals, which can be precipitated due to vaporized water or due to extraction of water by living organisms and deposition of minerals upon the death of an organism. It is formed due to the chemical precipitation of water. It is the geologic time period that existed between 150 million and 200 million years ago. It is a term used to define an igneous rock that contains higher percentages of magnesium and iron. This metamorphic rock is formed by the process of recrystallization. Volcanic cinders are cone-shaped, and are made from rock fragments, ash, and fragments of volatile matter. Choose from 500 different sets of geology terms flashcards on Quizlet. This technology uses computers to prepare a three-dimensional image of the Earth’s interior. This deformation or alteration is made up of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. It is characterized by the presence of silica content between 50-60 percent. Geology is the study of the earth, which begins with the study of the three types of rocks — the building blocks of the earth and its features. Common applications of geographic information science in geology including examples involving environmental geology, geomorphology, water quality, natural hazards, and structural geology. This layer is on an average 35 km thick, and can be maximum 70 km thick in few large mountain ranges. Also called Barrovian metamorphism, it takes place mainly through temperature changes in the surrounding environment of the parent rocks. It is the maximum extent of a glacier, and is characterized by several deposits of ’till’ material that have been carried by the moving ice. It is made up of fine grained materials that are produced during the weathering process. Ultramafic rocks and sandstones are few examples of caprocks. Such a kind of river flows in the backswamp area, parallel to the main stream. It is the most common type of drainage system that is mostly observed in igneous rock terrains. It is a fold that is made up of different layers with every layer oriented in the same direction. It is usually formed in desert regions with less sand and stable wind directions. It is an irregular geological feature formed by the deposition of gravel, sand, or till in the sunken parts of a melting glacier, which eventually ends up on a land surface, due to the melting of ice. Weathering takes place on the surface of the Earth. List of Common Drilling Terms To cease producing oil or gas from a well. Pyroclastic It is a term that refers to the material, which is ejected into the atmosphere during a volcanic eruption. These are mineral grains that are large and eye-shaped in appearance. It is a very uncommon type of metamorphism that takes place due to mechanical deformation. Pressure exerted by a formation exceeding normal pressure for any given depth. This rock is found in tropical soils, where the water table fluctuates as per seasonal changes. Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary are the basic three different classes of rocks. It is a type of strike-slip fault found along mid-ocean ridges. The northern end of the magnetic field of our planet is known as the north magnetic pole. Breccia is a type of clastic rock that is made up of angular fragments of minerals or rocks in a matrix form. The pattern of foliation that takes place in gneisses is called gneissosity. These are located in regions where the temperature is too cold even in summer so that snow that was stored in the previous winter does not melt. The pits or depressions are known as sinkholes. It is a sandy, shallow, circular, depression formed due to the action of wind. Polar Glacier These glaciers do not melt, and their temperature is always below the freezing period. It is very crucial for the existence of living beings, and is further divided into several sub-layers. It is a process that is mainly characterized by changes in pressure and temperature of the surrounding environment of igneous and sedimentary rocks, leading to the formation of metamorphic rocks. It divides different layers of a sedimentary rock, which is composed of various minerals. This fracture divides a rock into two planes without any relative displacement. It comprises sand, rock granules, and powder that are ejected in the atmosphere after a volcanic eruption. This sedimentary rock is cryptocrystalline and is made up of fine-grained silica. It is a naturally formed arch-shaped rock formation that is a result of weathering or erosion. It can be defined as the ratio of density of a substance to the density of water at specific temperature. A narrow and long island, which is made up of sand due to the action of waves that run parallel to the shore is known as a barrier island. Minerals that contain magnesium and iron are called ferromagnesian. It is a system of forces that reduce the length or volume of rock. Discharge is the volume of water flowing at a particular location per unit time. The index that represents the ratio of annual evaporation to the solar radiation received by an area is called aridity index. Usually, aggradation takes place in areas where the amount of sediment deposited is more than the amount of sediment that the area can transport. An igneous rock whose chemical composition lies between acidic and basic rocks is known as an intermediate rock. A division on this scale represents a ten-fold elevation in the amplitude that is recorded by the seismogram. They can be devastating due to the displacement of large volumes of water at very high speed. The regions where earthquakes do not occur are called aseismic regions. Example: Himalayas and Alps. It can be defined as a physical characteristics of a soil that is related to the grain size of the minerals present in the soil. The molten rock material formed beneath the Earth’s surface is known as magma. Results showed that fluvial ridges are as much as 100 km long, common across the The Earth’s history helps us to understand the related climate change and how the present climate will influence the future. It is also called talus glacier, and is an ice mass that contains rocks and other material with a layer of ice beneath the surface. They can also be made up of marine sediments and volcanic island arcs. For example, the Thar desert in India. Geology Key Terms This branch of geology can be defined as the study of rock layers and their formation. A piece of feldspar, an igneous rock. The terms ramps and flats, originally from thrust fault terminology, are used for alternating steep and sub-horizontal portions of any fault surface. An era is a unit or division of geologic time, and is made up of two or more periods. This helps in avoiding future casualties due to natural disasters by taking proper preventive measures. It is a process wherein two oceanic plates get separated. The area below the Earth’s surface, where air and water are both present in the rock pores and soil is known as the zone of aeration. It consists of deposits known as ’till’, which are carried by the glacier ice down the valley. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! It is defined as the type of volcano that is still producing lava, and it can erupt in the near future. Sedimentary rocks are layered and have been formed from the sediment or loose particles of older rocks. It is an area present in the upper mantle of Earth (lithosphere), and it contains magma that rises in a plume to form volcanoes. Augen means “eyes” in German. Proterozoic It is sandwiched between the Archean and Phanerozoic eons. It is made up from particles that are derived due to weathering, and are transported by air or water. It is a deep and active seismic area near the subduction zone. It is a crescent-shaped or U-shaped lake that is formed when a meander separates out from the main body of a river. During the hardening process, the calcium carbonate in the rock cements together other sediments like clay, silt, sand, and gravel. These structures are usually formed in metamorphic rocks as a result of exposure to direct pressure. Rocks like igneous and metamorphic rocks present below sedimentary cover or platform are called basement. This portion has a thickness of about 2,260 km. Also referred to as ice calving, calving is a process wherein a mass of ice breaks away from bodies like glaciers, icebergs, ice shelves, crevasse. Shale is categorized under clastic sedimentary rocks. Pangaea It is an ancient continent from which the present continents are formed, due to breaking up and spreading of the sea floor. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY A Partial Glossary of Spanish Geological Terms Exclusive of Most Cognates by Keith R. Long Open-File Report 91-0579 This report is preliminary and has not It is formed by the decomposition of dead plants, and contains more than 50% of carbon compounds. Major examples are dolomite, limestone, and aragonite. It is a dry part of land that is located at the margin of a water body like an ocean. Paleozoic Era It is an era marked by the presence of fish, amphibians, insects, and marine invertebrates. It is also called impact metamorphism, and it takes place when extremely high pressure acts on a rock for a few minutes or few seconds. It is a strip or a belt of volcanic mountains lying above a subduction zone on a continental mainland. It is a tributary stream that is unable to enter the main stream due to natural levees along the main stream. The exploration of oil, minerals, and metals helps find out the presence of these materials on our planet. It can be defined as the area through which water flows to join a stream or a river. It is present in the upper horizon of soil, where the soluble decomposition products are removed due to the movement of gravitational moisture. It is a part of Phanerozoic eon that existed for a period of 180 million years. We hope you are enjoying ScienceStruck! The process of consolidation of sedimentary rocks due to the aggregation of lithic and mineral fragments is known as lithification. These rocks contain mafic minerals like olivine, pyroxene, augite, etc., and are dark in color. Parent Material It is a source from which a soil is derived, and generally consists of bedrock and sediments. It is highly resistant, and it overlies a rock that is comparatively less resistant. Start studying Geology terms. An extrusive igneous rock that is formed due to fast consolidation of magma, spreading over large distances is called rhyolite. Pegmatite It is a plutonic igneous rock, i.e., it is formed at great depths beneath the Earth’s surface. The emission of chemical compounds reacts with atmospheric water to form sulfuric and nitric acid that mix with the rainwater. The magnitude is usually less than the main earthquake, and near the epicenter of the main earthquake. An old/ancient scar left on the Earth’s surface which is circular in shape and is produced due to an impact of comet or meteorite is called an astrobleme. This group is similar to basalt in composition, and is mainly made up of plagioclase, pyroxene, amphibole, and olivine minerals. The damage caused due to ozone destructing substances like CFCs and HFCs is generally represented as the ozone hole. It is a type of residual deposit, and it mainly consists of oxides of aluminum and iron because of the weathering of underlying parent rock, mainly due to the action of groundwater and surface water. It is a crescent-shaped dune formed due to wind action, and moves across the desert. To construct this image, seismic wave velocities recorded at different stations are used. Plinian Eruption It is a type of volcanic eruption, which is specially characterized by nuées ardentes and lava domes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It consists of three periods that include Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. It is a model that describes the movement of water in the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Hence the name “mafic” (magnesium + iron). Period It is a time unit used in geology, which refers to a time period that is greater than an epoch, but lesser than an era. They can also be defined as fine-grained igneous rocks formed due to crystallization of magma on the Earth’s surface. It is a sedimentary rock that is mainly made up of dolomite mineral, which consists of calcium, carbon, oxygen, and magnesium. It is an arc-shaped chain of islands or mountains formed by plate tectonics. It is a type of sedimentary rock that consists of fine clay and carbonaceous particles, which cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. These regions have unique geologic features not found in more humid environments. It is an intrusive igneous rock that contains maximum percentage of feldspar and quartz. These areas are also used to extract sand, gravel, and various aggregates. Such glaciers are found in Arctic and Antarctic regions. It is a type of coal that has the maximum percentage of carbon (92 – 98%). Lignite is commonly called brown coal. It is a cobble, pebble, or a boulder that is faceted by wind-driven sand. It is formed due to the piling up of ejected volcanic material. B) Back reef, Bacteria, Basin, Batholith, Bedrock, Burning, Butte. What are the Different Types of Geology Tools. It is similar to rock cycle, but it is not a continuous one, i.e., it does not return to the starting point. It moves as a result of gravity or due to its own weight. The unifying theory of geology is called plate tectonics , which contends that the earth’s surface … It can be defined as the equilibrium between the forces that tend to depress, and buoyancy that raises the lithosphere segment to float on asthenosphere. It is a closed continuous chain of all the geologic processes right from the formation of a rock till its destruction. It can be simply defined as the interconnection of biological and physical components of our planet. This term refers to an igneous rock containing many vesicles, which were formed due to the expansion of gases (which were earlier dissolved in lava). It is a chronological order of the events that help to explain the formation of rocks and evolution of organisms on Earth, over different units of time. Also called stratovolcano, this structure is characterized by the presence of cinders, lava, and other eruptive material layers, which are arranged in an alternating pattern. The overriding plate of the subduction zone is stretched to a point of rifting to make the magma rise into the gap formed by the rift. During fissure eruptions, the lava consolidates in the form of flows and columns. Almost 80 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by these rocks. It is the outer part of the Earth’s core, and is in liquid form. Browse and search thousands of Geology Abbreviations and acronyms in our comprehensive reference resource. It is the slope between two or more hydraulic head measurements, and is divided by the lateral distance between the respective hydraulic heads. It is an extrusive dark-colored igneous rock that is characteristically formed at the mid-oceanic regions. It is also referred to as volcanic ash. Such a representation is known as an geological clock. They are also called guide fossils, and are remnants of living organisms that were present in a particular geologic period. The relative scale is known as Mohs Hardness Scale. Polymetamorphism It is a series of events of metamorphic episodes, which have made a distinctive influence on the same rock. Popularly known as a Tsunami, these waves are produced due to seismic activities of the ocean floor. In plate tectonics, triple junction is the region where three plate boundaries or associated rifts are joined together at approximately 120 degrees angle. Overgrazing, increase in the rate of erosion, reduction in water table due to overdrafting, overpopulation, etc., are the causes of this process. The logarithmic scale that measures the intensity or strength of an earthquake is called Richter scale. Hardcopy AGI is proud to feature this Fifth REVISED edition of the Glossary of Geology. Every mineral has a unique chemical composition. This process usually takes place in warmer or temperate areas, and due to the slipping movement, it is known as basal sliding. An example of sedimentary rock is limestone, which in most cases forms from inorganic chemicals present in seawater. This period is said to have occurred during the Paleozoic era. It results due to precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail, etc. It is the process of formation, development, and establishment of glaciers on the Earth’s surface. Bauxite is a rock that is made up of hydrous aluminum oxides and is a product of weathering in tropical areas. It is a type of sandstone with a maximum percentage of quartz. These faults are caused due to the movement present between crustal plates. It is a combustible sedimentary, and is black or brown in color. Perched Water Table When the level of groundwater is higher than the normal level, it is known as perched water table or an perched aquifer. Butte is a hill that has a flat top, small vertical steep sides, and is located at an isolated place. Due to removal of crystals, the percentage of silica in the magma increases gradually. Some common types of erosion includes landslides, rockfalls, creep, etc. It is also called mudrock, and is a sedimentary rock that is made up of clay-sized particles. Small fragments of host rock or any other foreign mineral present in igneous rocks is known as xenoliths. It is a deep vertical hole or a shaft that is dug to obtain water or oil. Blast furnace: A reaction vessel in which mixed charges of oxide ores, fluxes and fuels are blown with a continuous blast of hot air and oxygen-enriched air for the chemical reduction of metals to their metallic state. Compressive forces act on tectonic plates to create folded mountains. Breakwater is a wall that is built parallel to a coast to cease the incoming waves and protect the shore or harbor. It is defined as a crack or a fracture that divides a rock into two parts. It is a circular ring-shaped structure of coral islands that encloses a lagoon and is surrounded by ocean water. It is a geologic eon that represents or describes the time period between 3.9 billion years to 2.5 billion years ago. These wedges are mostly made up of sediments accreted on a subducting tectonic plate, at the boundary of a convergent plate. Striations are small grooves that are formed on the surface of sediments, rocks, pebbles, etc. It is more or less straight and elongated. In case of the hinge fault, the displacement increases with the distance from the hinge. It is the innermost portion of the Earth’s core, and has a radius of 1,220 kms. it is a rock mainly formed by the metamorphism of limestone, and it consists of a high percentage of calcite. This stone is mainly used in ornaments. This zone surrounds an igneous intrusion, and is characterized by an occurrence of contact metamorphism. These rocks have undergone structural changes due to pressure exerted, extensive heat, or action of any chemical. B horizon is also referred as zone of accumulation. Many geology terms specify the physical formations a geologist studies to reach conclusions about changes in the Earth’s surface. This type of well is characterized by pumping of water from confined aquifers to the surface due to the high pressure acting on the water level. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Desert Geological Terms Definitions of Important Geological Features About one-third of the earth's landmass is desert or semi-desert. An earthquake may take place after occurrence of a number of foreshocks. Other geology terms refer to the minerals that make up rocks. Pebble A small round-shaped rock fragment that is larger than a granule is called pebble. Radiometric dating techniques are used to determine the age of any geological term. It is derived from a pure form of sandstone, and is a durable and non-foliated type of metamorphic rock. For example, a fault that varies from steep to flat and back to steep again has a ramp-flat-ramp geometry . Certain rocks or minerals to break along specific planes where weak bonds are present. Carbonates, iron oxides, silica, and quartz are some of the cementing materials. The type of energy generated by utilizing the force of tidal waves is known as tidal power. A rapid flow of ice down a slope that takes place naturally or due to human activity is called an avalanche. P Wave The primary wave or P wave is the first to be generated during any seismic event, and also the first to be recorded by a seismogram. Base metals: More common non-precious metals which include lead, copper, zinc, nickel. The sudden release of energy due to the movement of rigid rocks under the Earth’s crust, which causes the propagation of seismic waves towards the ground surface is called an earthquake. Granular minerals usually consist of feldspar or quartz, while flaky minerals are pyroxenes. The mountains block the passage of clouds, resulting in the precipitation on one side, whereas the other side receives scanty or absolutely no rainfall. The processes that are involved in this cycle include metamorphism, alteration, weathering, lithification, crystallization, etc. The coarse grains get deposited at the bottom, while the finer ones are at the top. The factors that govern the severity or intensity of this process are concentration, velocity, mass, and hardness of the moving particles. The snow/ice is lost from the glaciers, and these erosive processes include evaporation, wind erosion, calving, melting, etc. It is a group of minerals that describe the characteristics of a rock/facies. Plate Tectonics It is a theory that states the lithosphere is made up of portions that are known as tectonic plates. A rock formation that is spherical in shape, hollow, and contains some amount of minerals in it. Base level is the elevation where any flowing water source cannot erode any more. Ash is made up of fine particles of volcanic gas and rock that are thrown up in the atmosphere after a volcanic eruption. A geology dictionary of geological terms from Caliche "Caliche" is a shallow soil or sediment layer in which the particles are cemented together by calcium carbonate mineral matter. Rise of the water above this level indicates occurrence of flood. Acidic rock is a term that refers to an igneous rock, which is made up of light-colored minerals. It is defined as the texture of volcanic rocks containing a large number of amygdules (almond-shaped vesicles filled by secondary minerals). It is an area created below a well or an underground water source due to pumping action. It is usually found along the sides of glaciers that occupy a valley. With reference to tectonics, it can be a depression of layers that are circular and syncline (downward curving fold). The deepest regions of oceans that are characterized by large, flat, or gentle sloping areas are called abyssal plains. It contains less amount of clay, and is a layer where any of the biological processes take place. In this process, weathering of a large rock mass takes place, such that the scales, plates or shells of this rock mass get peeled off. Copyright © Science Struck &, Inc. It is the rigid outer shell of our planet that consists of the crust and the upper portion of upper mantle. When the size of the alpine glacier grows and fills a valley, it is called a valley glacier. It moves rapidly and stagnates at alternate intervals of time, and hence, it is called a surging glacier. This igneous rock mainly consists of plagioclase laths along with other minerals like biotite, pyroxene, hornblende, etc. It is basically of two types, confined and unconfined, depending on the pressure under which the groundwater is present in it. This classification is based on the physical and chemical properties of different types of soil. Acid rain leads to damage of crops, infrastructure, and forests. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. In this process, crystals are produced from magma and are separated from the previous magmatic fluids. The above-described detailed glossary will be very useful for your further studies in these fields. Fine-grained: a rock in which the grains (crystals or sediment particles) are too small to see easily without a magnifying glass. The branch of geology that studies the origin, composition, distribution, and structure of rocks. It is also called soil fluction, and is measured when a mass of water-saturated soil moves down a slope area. These metal sulfide deposits are formed after a volcanic eruption takes place. Also called secondary wave, it is a type of seismic wave, which makes the rock particles move in a perpendicular direction of movement, as compared to the direction of wave propagation. Geology describes the structure of the Earth on and beneath its surface, and the processes that have shaped that structure. Such domes are usually formed in igneous rocks. It is defined as the boundary formed between two lithologies due to a period of erosion or non-deposition. They can appear as flat or curved. The geology of the Earth is a fascinating subject of study. Below this level, CaCO3 in the ocean is in a completely dissolved form. Certain geology terms refer to visible surface changes in the Earth’s crust. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. This type of sedimentary deposition occurs due to a running water source (like streams and rivers) and consists of clay, gravel, sand, and silt particles. It is a type of silicate rock, and is also mined as an iron mineral. Discover the activities, projects, and degrees that will fuel your love of science. It is a sedimentary rock of clastic nature, which is made up of fine sand particles. It is an extrusive igneous rock, and is made up of crystalline minerals and plagioclase feldspars. The respective hydraulic heads to direct pressure high percentage of silica in the ocean.! 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