compelling in a sentence

First, it is true that 21st century technology has become so highly specialized that it makes it increasingly difficult to feature it in a compelling science fiction story without subjecting the reader to a long, involved info-dump. From Cambridge English Corpus The most compelling reason against completeness is that it is awkward to state as an axiom or inference rule. Your resume cover letter must be compelling and the hiring manager's grab attention. compensation Ansel Adams once said that the compelling force of all times has been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the roots of human spirit. How To Use Compelling In A Sentence? Euergetes (247-222) largely increased the library by seizing on the original editions of the dramatists laid up in the Athenian archives, and by compelling all travellers who arrived in Alexandria to leave a copy of any work they possessed. This apparent misfortune had the good effect of compelling him to reflect on his situation. Once you've said it, it becomes compelling. Death on the Nile: Authored by the legendary Agatha Christie, Death on the Nile provides one of the most compelling murder mysteries ever conceived. A reader reads on because he wants to find out the answers to these two questions. Gradually, invasion might come to seem a less compelling idea. BED NUMBER TEN reads like a compelling novel, but is entirely factual. She still made for compelling TV viewing during the then-highest rated season of the Housewives franchise and she became an integral part of the cast. However, the sleek designs and compelling features beckoned to non-athletes as well. unhinged narrator of Clare Morrall's novel, has a strong and compelling voice. This cabinet naturally split into rival camps, in consequence of which Kitboga, himself a Mongol, with the aid of other Mongols who had come into Egypt after the battle of Homs, succeeded in ousting his rivals, and presently, with the aid of the surviving assassins of the former sultan, compelling Malik al-N~ir to abdicate in his favor (December 1st, 1294). Compelling in a sentence (1) Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town. He has retained a certain mystique which makes him such a compelling character. compelling proposition within key market sectors, such as retail. One of the most compelling reasons for adopting a child that is older is the need that the child has for a positive role model in his or her life. This new revelation is one of the most significant SIDS breakthroughs, but what can expectant moms do about this compelling evidence? The famous Birger Jarl undertook a crusade in Finland in 12 4 9, compelling the Tavastians, one of the subdivisions of the Finlanders proper, to accept Christianity, and building a castle at Tavestehus. With horses only just recovering from an epidemic, they proved quite unequal to the task of catching the Cossacks, who swarmed round them in every direction, never accepting an engagement but compelling a constant watchfulness for which nothing in their previous experience had sufficiently prepared the French. There is an equally compelling second volume that provides pictures from 1907 to 1945. use "most compelling evidence" in a sentence Perhaps the most compelling evidence of Rubin's accomplishment may be, perversely, Wall Street's yawn at his resignation. Jessi gazed up at him, overwhelmed by the compelling aura around him, without understanding it. You are offline. Flash movies are a popular way to make websites more compelling. captivating; enthralling. It also prevents farmers from saving seeds, compelling them to buy the fertile hybrid every year. 124. Or, it is enough, but the poetic imagination involved doesn't extend far enough to make it compelling. Others were pulled from our literature database. There's what I think are electric guitars, along with thumping drums and compelling vocals. Otherwise Khartum was deserted, the khalifa making Omdurman his capital and compelling disaffected tribes to dwell in it so as to be under better control. actuality-edged and busy, compelling energy or situation surges up, which forces us to square current actualities with our overall aims. , The jury seemed moved by the lawyer’s compelling argument. Such were making the Christian community to which the proselyte had belonged pay as much as it had paid when his lands belonged to it, making proselytes pay as before their conversion, or compelling them to abandon their lands on conversion. 1. adjective A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true or that something should be done. The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition offers countless additional examples similar to the Lama Yeshe which provides some of the most compelling evidence. Learn Ludwig. A snack line combining both fruits and chocolates, and popular favorites as well as exotic introductions, captures shoppers' interest and makes for a compelling impulse buy. The jury … (2) His prose as always lucid and compelling. That first sentence creates drama because it instantly raises two compelling questions in readers’ minds: Why did the brother die? Bernstorff's sympathy with England grew stronger still when in 1779 Spain joined her enemies; and he was much inclined, the same winter, to join a triple alliance between Great Britain, Russia and Denmark-Norway, proposed by England for the purpose of compelling the Bourbon powers to accept reasonable terms of peace. 1. Railways have always been held by the legislatures and by the courts strictly accountable for their shortcomings, so far as accountability can be enforced by compelling the payment of damages to victims of accidents; but in spite of this, a want of enterprise and even some apparent neglect of passengers' and servants' plain rights, have often been apparent, and the Board of Trade, with its powers of supervision, inspection and investigation, must therefore be classed as one of the most beneficent factors in the promotion of safety on British railways. In truth the Renaissance was ruled by no Astraea redux, but rather by a severe spirit which brought no peace but a sword, reminding men of sternest duties, testing what of moral force and tenacity was in them, compelling them to strike for the old order or the new, suffering no lukewarm halting between two opinions. But Steve is a compelling presence and a spellbinding orator. Oliver 's a gifted storyteller endowed with an elegant, compelling prose which makes you fully enjoy the pleasure of reading. Gauge in a sentence | gauge example sentences. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. the decree ordering the demolition of the new castles, most of them little better than robber-strongholds; the decree compelling the great officers of state to suspend their functions during the session of the diet; the decree declaring illegal the new fashion of forming confederations on the Polish model, all of which measures were obviously directed against the tyranny and the lawlessness of the oligarchy. , The compelling commercial made me want to purchase a new jeep. It was designed to hold the enemy in position by the vigour of its attack, thus neutralizing his independent will power and compelling him to expend his reserves in the effort to rescue the troops engaged. is on machinery, with a preface concerning a law at ancient Ephesus compelling an architect to complete any public building he had undertaken; this, he says, would be useful among the Romans of his time. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time. , If the headline is not compelling, it will not capture readers’ attention. Windthorst was undoubtedly one of the greatest of German parliamentary leaders: no one equalled him in his readiness as a debater, his defective eyesight compelling him to depend entirely upon his memory. Define compelling. Despite the heavy political subtext, it's a compelling and extremely timely story. I glanced at the fuel gauge. The personal appearance of Stevenson has often been described: he was tall, extremely thin, dark-haired, restless, compelling attention with the lustre of his wonderful brown eyes. Despite the heavy political subtext, it 's a compelling and extremely timely story. During the next two weeks, students will be asked to defend their thesis statements in class. I stared at the pressure gauge. He was the warmest opponent of the State in the Kulturkampf provoked by Prince Bismarck after the publication of the Vatican decrees, and was largely instrumental in compelling that statesman to retract the pledge he had rashly given, never to "go to Canossa.". Some people hear ' voices ' which can be like a loud tannoy, whispers or compelling silent thoughts. One of the most compelling arguments for going green is to make our families safer by buying products and supporting practices that will keep dangerous chemicals out of our clothes, water, and food. Compelling definition: A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true or that... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This running "subplot" gave Country House a compelling narrative to run alongside the history. While this is not necessarily a paranormal danger, it is entirely possible for some people to find themselves somewhat addicted to Ouija boards because they find using them exciting or compelling. The key to writing a great hook begins with brainstorming a compelling opening statement or question that will capture the attention and interest of readers. There's just something compelling about a creature that was once human, but that now stalks those he once walked among. Astonishing Splashes of Color Kitty Wellington, the depressed and unhinged narrator of Clare Morrall 's novel, has a strong and compelling voice. Meet the man who may have made a breakthrough in predicting earthquakes, and hear compelling stories from survivors and rescuers. In the absence of fully informed and uncoerced consent, the wrongful harming is a compelling reason for legal intervention. The recent autism genetic studies do offer a compelling argument for a possible autism genetic link. It is designed simply to be an easily readable and, hopefully, a compelling and enjoyable document. Nonetheless, it is a compelling and somewhat addictive game because the fun of it isn't in how it looks or sounds. Of course, it is those images that make this character so compelling for costume fun for females ranging from toddlers to adults. Lastly, spontaneous challenges were thrown into the mix, compelling crews to pull out all the stops with their best moves and fiercest choreography. When I read the compelling novel, I couldn’t put it down until I got to the last page. Filter. The priests of Amane at Meroe and Napata, in fact, regulated through his oracle the whole government of the country, choosing the king, directing his military expeditions (and even compelling him to commit suicide, according to Diodorus) until in the 3rd century B.C. To begin your letter, use a compelling introductory statement that will engage the reader and keep them reading. When I read the compelling novel, I couldn’t put it down until I got to the last page. It is indeed a pressure gauge. It must have been at this time that an addition was made by Waynflete to the Eton college statutes, compelling the fellows to forswear the heresies of John Wycliffe and Pecock. It's a definite possibility, and many reputable paranormal groups, both national and local, have compelling evidence for the public to review. Surrounding and suffusing all, warmth and compassion floated, a beautiful compelling brown. It's near impossible to recommend this title when there are so many other, better RPGs already available for the PS2, not to mention much more compelling titles like Tales of Legendia and Kingdom Hearts II coming in the first half of 2006. It is true that the Riksdag of 1840 meditated compelling him to abdicate, but the storm blew over and his jubilee was celebrated with great enthusiasm in 1843. of England passed as a prisoner into Henrys keeping, and with rare skill the emperor used him as a means of compelling his enemies to come to terms. hardened skeptic myself, and finding this evidence compelling. Burnham's record of discovery, which roused fresh enthusiasm for this line of inquiry by compelling recognition of the extraordinary profusion throughout the heavens of compound objects. If the answer is yes, you probably need to focus your energy on writing a compelling business plan. Those with RLS experience a compelling need Fighting enemies is actually fairly compelling. What makes this pattern so compelling is the fact that it's quite masculine, but once on the female body, the pattern takes on a heightened sense of femininity that clearly captivates. High quality example sentences with “a compelling choice” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. It's a totally compelling story, with a bunch of likeable characters and a truly detestable villain. It’s all great and a compelling cinema. He looked at the gauge. Essex was thus thrown upon his own resources, and his anger against the queen being roused afresh by the refusal to renew his monopoly of sweet wines, he formed the desperate project of seizing her person and compelling her to dismiss from her council his enemies Raleigh, Cobham, and Cecil. It is unlikely that a deferment will be granted in these circumstances unless there are particularly compelling reasons. She has written a huge and compelling family saga. We gauge that relationship by. The constables of these castles had adopted the custom of compelling these landholders to give money and not service, mercenaries being then hired to perform this. In spite of his vast schemes of reform and the clat of his isinalls Europeanizing innovations, his oriental extravagance led to bankruptcy, and his reign is historically important simply for its compelling European intervention in the internal affairs of Egypt. The statute also contained clauses for compelling the English settlers to keep the laws. Urgently requiring attention: a host of compelling socioeconomic problems. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Technically he was justified in adopting this course, but people generally felt that there was some hardship in compelling a young queen to separate herself from her companions and friends, and they consequently approved the decision of Lord Melbourne to support the queen in her refusal, and to resume office. The swift Liburnian vessels began to raid the Lido, compelling the Venetians to arm their own vessels and thus to form the nucleus of their famous fleet, the importance of which was recognized by the Golden Bull of the emperor Basil, which conferred on Venetian merchants privileges far more extensive than any they had hitherto enjoyed, on condition that the Venetian fleet was to be at the disposition of the emperor. The tide of war, however, once more turned in the defeat of Lee's invading army at South Mountain and Antietam in Maryland on the r4th and on the 6th and 17th of September, compelling him to retreat. This richly storied game is compelling and addictive with its cinematic settings and soundtrack. The designer's story behind these creations is compelling, and the fact that she uses her popularity to promote the rescue of stray animals is highly commendable. The most compelling disadvantages of school uniforms center around students' rights. Everyone likes having stuff for free and free online computer games can be very compelling. patrons of the living were also charged with compelling others to become soldiers for the king. compelling evidence of the biblical scale of climate change's effects. There are numerous ahadith with compelling evidence which show that women have the full right to attend the masjid. They do not represent the opinions of Secondly, they seem to believe that their content is sufficiently compelling that people will want to pay to hear it. Examples of Compelling in a sentence. Examples of compelling in a sentence. It 's an unvarnished look at the life of Oscar Wilde that 's all the more compelling for its candor. to overrun Samaria, and also to invade Idumaea, which he completely subdued, compelling its inhabitants to receive circumcision and accept the Jewish faith. Deities did not summon formerly dead-dead Immortals to them without a compelling reason. If looking at this gallery whets your appetite for more, you'll find other compelling galleries and slideshows featuring everything from different breeds to images of cats in humorous situations. And why was the author not sorry? Inside, have something visually compelling like a color copy or photo on one side and your bio immediately available on the other. 2. adjective Certain approaches may feel more comfortable for you: If you’re a natural storyteller, opening with a story might seem appealing. amortizethat these clicks begin to approach free after amortizing the cost of SEO over time, the ROI for SEO is compelling. When I read the compelling novel, I couldn’t put it down until I got to the last page. In what circumstances would a state be justified in compelling its citizens to labor? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. How to use uncompelling in a sentence. Another compelling reason for choosing this type of bedding is simply the ease of decorating with a bed in a bag set. 20 examples: A bit of mild fun to get into the spirit of the place, but, for me, hardly of… Cambridge Dictionary +Plus My profile compelling synonyms, compelling pronunciation, compelling translation, English dictionary definition of compelling. I’ll include examples of each approach, too. Short lead times for delivery and flexible contract terms drive a compelling proposition within key market sectors, such as retail. aire), or, as we should say, had the franchise, and might fulfil the functions of bail, witness, &c. As the chief sought to extend his power in the tuath, he also endeavoured to aggrandize his position at the expense of other tuatha by compelling them to pay tribute to him. Dinwiddie's administration was marked by a constant wrangle with the assembly over money matters; and its obstinate resistance to military appropriations caused him in 1754 and 1755 to urge the home government to secure an act of parliament compelling the colonies to raise money for their protection. Compelling sentence examples. Its fun to the market it the compelling drama they are frequently. The stories of the patients who come into Seattle Grace are more compelling than the ongoing drama that makes up the lives of their physicians. Many parents, students, and even teachers are against school uniforms, and they raise some very compelling arguments. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Seeds of Peace offered a compelling evocation of the pain and futility of war. (4) She found his story so compelling that she had forgotten to drink wine. compelling reason to buy the kids a PC of their own. I'm off now, but don't forget to check back next week for more compelling reasons to rent Doc Martin. The tempestuous relationship between Todd and Blair produced two children and years of compelling storytelling. Learning how to install crown molding may be a better option unless there is a compelling reason to use one of these convenience products. The music was so compelling the snake stopped watching its prey and began to sway. The lab results prove the scientist’s thesis on energy conversion. His diverse experience, combined with his exuberant personality, erudition and often trenchant views make him a compelling and entertaining speaker. compelling his soldiers to dye their hair, and adding to their pay for the purpose. Your life is a compelling story. The characters and storylines of Drop Dead Diva are deeply compelling. overcomeing to producer, Michael Shane: " Bethany is a shining light with a great, compelling story of overcoming adversity. And legalize the ca n't seem to compelling tv the symbol ttwo. Ghost Hunters provides the most compelling video footage of apparitions. In concluding treaties with the vassal princes since 1905, the Dutch have kept in view the necessity … Because Death on the Nile comes with backing of the legendary Agatha Christie, you can be sure that the tale is compelling, intriguing, enrapturing, and occasionally enlightening. He covers each subject extraordinarily well and is n't afraid to ridicule the frankly ridiculous while finding merit in the strangely compelling. After the disaster of the Caudine Forks, Cursor to some extent wiped out the disgrace by compelling Luceria (which had revolted) to surrender. suffuseunding and suffusing all, warmth and compassion floated, a beautiful compelling brown. The major problem with going online to look for real ghost stories and videos is that while some of them can be quite compelling and downright scary, the overwhelming majority of them are fakes and hoaxes. One of the most compelling arguments for the use of computer games in education is that they are inherently social. In the meantime, you can certainly benefit from the experience and knowledge of celiac disease patients who may have a more compelling reason to go gluten-free. Henry the Lion was the last to submit. The viewing is compelling, shocking and sometimes hilarious. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Compelling. And if you enjoy writing copy that captures attention, the “pitch”-style opening sentence might seem easy and fun to write. He covers each subject extraordinarily well and isn't afraid to ridicule the frankly ridiculous while finding merit in the strangely compelling. In addition, a puzzle game must be compelling - even addictive - enough to make a player keep playing. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Its growth was rapid, the Khalifa (who succeeded the Mandi) compelling large numbers of disaffected tribesmen to live in the town under the eye of his soldiery. prevents a bailiff from compelling an accused man to submit to the ordeal without the approval of credible witnesses. War disrupts this, and people will have little patience for it if there is not an extremely compelling reason for it. Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death. adj. Slezak has been involved in some of the show's most compelling tales including the long-running dissociative personality disorder that split Viki into Niki Smith. Definition of Compelling. James Randi Educational Foundation - A ferocious attack on the validity of the photos offering compelling thoughts on why they aren't real. 690, Archbishop Theodore promulgated a canon, inhibiting bishops from compelling abbots to attend councils. We tried to list the best first. 2. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). He began by compelling the people of Madrid to give up emptying their slops out of the windows, and when they objected he said they were like children who cried when their faces were washed. compelling. . Sending out letters is one of the best ways to secure donations and often the most compelling. The received a great impetus from the enthusiasm of the great Amerieastern part of the North Atlantic has been the scene of many can oceanographer Captain Matthew Fontaine Maury, U.S.N., expeditions, often purely biological in their purpose, amongst who directed the whole impetuous strength of his character to which there may be mentioned the cruises of the " Travailleur " the task of compelling the silent depths of the ocean to tell their and " Talisman " under Professor Milne-Edwards in 1880-1883, tale. (3) The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it. Since then the Prussian government, by prohibiting the use of Danish in the schools and public offices, and by the expulsion from the country of the numerous Danish optants who had returned to Schleswig, has used the customary means for compelling all subjects of the king to become German in language and feeling.1. In May of the same year Sir Henry Docwra, at the head of a considerable army, took up a position at Derry, while Mountjoy marched from Westmeath to Newry to support him, compelling O'Neill to retire to Armagh, a large reward having been offered for his capture alive or dead. James Macmillan's ' Ballad ' adds modern piano figurations to an authentic-sounding vocal line and gets a compelling performance from James. Saladin had by now decided that the only hope of success lay in compelling the rear of the Christians' column to halt - and thus opening a gap, should the van be still on the move. It is well known "(says Professor Dill)" that the tendency of the later Empire was to stereotype society, by compelling men to follow the occupation of their fathers, and preventing a free circulation among different callings and grades of life. You have to be able to tell a compelling story in very few words, which is by no means a simple task. The jury seemed moved by the lawyer’s compelling argument. Both of these are very impressive Android-based smartphones, but which one is the more compelling option for you? It is quite evident from the action which President Kruger subsequently took in the matter that this charge was put on with his approval, and with the object of compelling traffic to be brought to the Transvaal by the Delagoa route, instead of as heretofore by the colonial railway. He also carried through Parliament an important Housing and Town-Planning bill compelling local authorities to provide housing schemes, and obtained parliamentary sanction to an arrangement for the issue by such authorities of housing bonds. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. compelling argument for a more holistic approach. The Hunter is the work of a compelling storyteller and a truly remarkable literary stylist. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. As again the synthesis contains or involves the conclusion, syllogism has the advantage of compelling assent to the consequences of the premises. scepticember examining the gospels and reading Morrison's book myself when a hardened skeptic myself, and finding this evidence compelling. He accordingly issued an edict for a coemptio, that is, an order compelling the provincials to sell their corn to the government, whether they would or not. The chance for a fallen angel's redemption, the seductive nature and their dangerous attitudes are all compelling material. On the surface, this seems very compelling, but why isn't the product flying off shelves? Wright's vivid portrayal of growing up makes compelling reading. Compelling King Solomon to own Henrys supremacy he restored the influence of Germany in Hungary; in .internal affairs he restrained the turbulence of the princes, but he made many enemies, especially in Saxony, and in 1066 Henry, who had just been declared of age, was compelled to dismiss him. Again, this is because without compelling, widely accepted facts, we use things we've learned from other parts of our lives to make our decisions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Considering the unpleasant side effects of some medications, the prospect of naturally controlling your blood pressure may prove to be the most compelling of the three reasons why exercise is important. But although the emperor's possessions on the Italian mainland had been attacked in his absence by the papal troops and their allies, Gregory's efforts had failed to arouse seripus opposition in Germany and Sicily; so that when Frederick returned unexpectedly to Italy in June 12 29 he had no difficulty in driving back his enemies, and compelling the pope to sue for peace. The alliance with the Liberal Unionists was, in fact, compelling the Conservative government to promote measures which were not wholly consistent with the stricter Conservative traditions, or wishes. Mommy I AM: here, now browsing experience toddlers to adults all compelling material to square actualities... Predicting earthquakes, and I see no compelling reason for choosing this of! Of Adolf Hitler in his bunker in Berlin most running trades workers found the brotherhoods ' compelling... Forceful, interesting, or persuasive: not compelling was glued to my TV ) evidence. 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