what do skin cells look like

What do groups of different types of cells create? Morpheaform BCC got its name because it looks like morphea plaques. Compare this slide of skin cells to the slides of the human organ cells you saw earlier. benign (noncancerous) skin growths that develop from skin cells called keratinocytes 2,3 They may look like scars. Because squamous cell carcinoma can present in diverse ways, patients should consult their doctor if they notice new growths, open sores or permanent patches of scaly skin, especially on areas prone to this type of skin cancer, explains the American … If the BCC does return, your doctor may recommend a different type of treatment, such as Mohs surgery, a highly effective way to prevent and treat recurrences. What does cancer look like? Tight junctions are present on the edges of the flattened Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron. They also should know the proper laboratory safety procedures and the proper disposal of laboratory materials, including sharp glass slides and chemicals. New cells are formed at the root when then add up and reach the outside of the skin, where they become keratinized and convert into dead cells. What does cancer look like? It takes approximately one month from the development of a cell in the basal layer to the sloughing off. The cells in this layer are sealed together in a zipper-like fashion by structures known as tight junctions. Unlike plant cells, the cytoplasm in an animal cell is denser, granular and occupies a larger space. This is because they are formed by different cell types and because the cells are arranged differently. I have used dry skin cream and baby oil on the dry skin, i’m not sure Before students do the next activity, provide them with some pre-made slides of human organ cells for them to observe under the microscope. What does a group of different organs working together to do a job make up? Actinic Cheilitis (Farmer's Lip) Related to actinic keratosis, actinic cheilitis is a precancerous … Ask students what the function of methylene blue is. Squamous cell skin cancers Some of the main functions of skin cells are to provide protection, perceive and transmit sensation, control evaporation and regulate temperature. People over 40, who have fair skin and hair, and light-colored eyes (blue or green), are more likely to develop Actinic keratosis. I have to draw a dead skin cell for a project, but I never learned about what the actual dead cell looks like. If you want to know more about what signs on your skin to look for, take a look. Whereas deeper basal cells can look like translucent bumps on the skin. After this barrier has formed, the upper cell leaves the stratum granulosum. So it's important you visit High school biology didn’t do much to make cells seem like fascinating, psychedelic visual art. Mariko Yokouchi and co-workers used a technique called confocal microscopy to examine the stratum granulosum cells in the ears of mice, and found that the shape of these cells forms the basis of the barrier that they form. The lump slowly gets bigger and may become crusty, bleed or develop into a painless ulcer. SCC may develop as a raised growth or lump; some look like they. Find out how different cancer cells appear with this video from Cancer Research UK. For these reasons, the story on cells should be kept simple. The image of the normal colon tissue, at left, shows well-formed oval-shaped glands, evenly lined with a single, organized layer of cells, indicated by arrows. Cancers are named according to which type of normal cells and tissues they look like most. The vacuole in an an animal cell is smaller in size, or absent. People who have skin of color also get this skin cancer. Skin cancer can come in the form of red sores, wart-like bumps, or even scaly patches. How many different types of cells are in the human body? As we age, the desquamation process slows down. SCC often looks like a rough, scaly red or brown patch. Do all of the cells from the various organs look the same? Dead skin cells can wreak havoc on your complexion -- they contribute to breakouts and larger looking pores and give your skin a dull, drab appearance. Little, translucent lumps that look like pearly pimples can develop just below the skin. In the early stages of skin cancer, it can look like what would appear as a brand new mole or freckle or it can develop within an existing mole that you have had for years and years. SCC may also appear to be an open sore that bleeds easily and does not heal. The stage of the cancer is determined by how many cancer cells are present. 342.). Students will use microscopes in this lesson so they should know how to use a microscope and know the parts of a microscope. Hydroxy acids that assist with exfoliation of dead skin cells. We won't share or publish your email address, Ready, Set, Let's Dough! Record all responses (e.g., hair, wrinkles, sweat) and have the class discuss the list. Then review what students already know about skin and cells in general by asking questions like these: In this part of the lesson, students will learn more about the different kinds of cells that make up human skin. It might look skin coloured, waxy, like a scar or thickened area of skin that's very slowly getting bigger. It can be a gastrointestinal disease causing only diarrhea and abdominal pain . If so, are they replaced? They might be: a spot or sore a lump a red or dark patch itchy, crusty or bleeding The earlier a skin cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. Then instruct group members to choose one bulleted part to "become," making sure all parts are represented. These cells resemble a flattened version of a shape called Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron: a 14-sided solid with six rectangular and eight hexagonal sides. ›Rock Hunters ›, toolsExploring Caves ›Animated guide: Hurricanes ›, lessonsReady, Set, Let's Dough! It's joined the ranks of other “great imitators” -- diseases that can look like almost any condition. Keratinocyte cells are continuously shed from the outer layer and replaced. What do the organelles look like? We’ll briefly explore the different layers that make up the surface of the skin, and how dead cells can accumulate. In this article, learn about the different types of lung cancer and what they look like. These common conditions include moles, milia, cysts, warts, seborrheic keratosis, nevus … What does skin cancer look like on the face - Always check the state of the skin and lump, especially if the diameter is large enough, do not despise or ignore it should be diagnosed first. Under a microscope, fat cells look like bulbous little spheres. It can be hard to tell where the borders of these lesions are. There's sometimes some brown or black pigment within the patch. What did you notice about your skin cells before you used the methylene blue? 4. Example picture of squamous cell carcinoma. Cell Project, from Access Excellence, allows students to extend what they have learned about cells, including construction of a giant cell model. As we get older, the trillions of cells in our body do too. The skin surface — known as the epidermis — is made up of sheets of cells that are stacked up in layers. The image of the cancerous colon tissue, in contrast, shows highly disorganized cancer cells stacked upon each other in an apparently random fashion. Cause #1: Age. Have each pair use their Skin Cells student esheet to visit and read the two-page introduction to cells at The Cells in Your Body. Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in the skin. You can obtain these slides from Microscope Slide Kit: Histology, Human Organs, from Microscope World, or you can show students images of various organ cells at Human Anatomy and Bacteriology Prepared Slides. To develop an understanding of the different kinds of cells that make up human skin and how the different skin cells relate to one another. In other species, keratin forms hooves, claws, horns, and even the shells of turtles and the spines of porcupines. You can remove these dead skin cells, and reveal the fresh skin underneath, by exfoliating two to three times per week. Morphea is a skin disease characterized by patches of hard skin. The build-up of dead skin cells can also lead to clogged pores, an uneven complexion, blemishes and blackheads. This is the most common form of basal cell carcinoma and will most often appear on the face, ears, or neck. It also may be easier for students to understand that the cell is the basic unit of structure (which they can observe) than that the cell is the basic unit of function (which has to be inferred from experiments). Don't delay treatment – spot the early warning signs now. A highly curable skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma (pronounced SKWAY-mus sel KAR-sih-NOH-muh) affects the cells that form your skin's outer layer. The nucleus is present at the centre of the cytoplasm.The absence of a cell … Epithelial cells are the most commonly found of the four tissue types. How stratum granulosum cells are replaced without disrupting the tight junction barrier was not well understood. Actinic keratosis is a skin abnormality (precancer) that could lead to SCC. To render it less abstract, students may be able to better comprehend a million millions than a trillion. Another option can be prophylactic treatment to kill cancer cells before they have a chance to spread, like a prescription for tamoxifen offered to a woman with precancerous cells in her breast. Thanks We don’t shed dead skin … Science NetLinks is a project of the Directorate for Education and Human Resources Programs of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It looks like a flesh-colored, pearl-like bump, or pinkish patch of skin. Whether it's thirsty for a face mask, craving some serum or dying for a drop of vitamin C, it's always communicating.But the real trick is knowing how to listen. Do you see the same structures among all of the various organ cells? Basal cell carcinoma does not usually spread to other parts of the body. Download SkinVision. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, How herpes viruses put on their protective coat. They should work with their partners to collect and look at some of their skin cells. The key to spotting skin cancer early is by paying attention to your skin. To develop an understanding of the different kinds of cells that make up human skin and how the different skin cells relate to one another. Learn about The Nobel Prizes that have been awarded since 1901, as well as the criteria and nomination process that are used to select the winners. You can extend the ideas about skin and systems in this lesson by leading students through these Science NetLinks lessons: Students can have fun learning more about cell structure and functions by visiting CELLS Alive!, which features detailed cell diagrams, 3-D models, and animated cell cams. However, basal cell cancer can also involve a brown, blue or black lesion. As these older, dead skin cells are shed each day, they reveal newer, more radiant-looking skin underneath. (Science for All Americans, pp. The plant and animal cell diagrams splashed across textbook pages are a world away from what the billions of cells dividing, dying or busily making proteins actually look like. "Basal cells can look lots of different ways," says McNeill. SCC may develop as a raised growth or lump; some look like they have collapsed in the center. Once students have completed the lab, follow up with questions like these: (Answers may vary. Have the students in each group read through the parts of their layer or structure and review their notes to make sure they understand each one. Skin cells represent the first line of defense against pathogens found … It can cause symptoms that may be confused with a cold or the flu . They generally look like translucent (partly clear) bumps on the skin. Your doctor may use a skin biopsy to detect the lymphoma cells. 1-3 It may be thick or crusty. There are different staging guidelines for basal and squamous cell cancer and melanoma. lessonsErupting Volcanoes! Fat cells are some of the largest cells in the human body. Over time, the microscopic examination of hair has become very important as it allows the distinction of color, shape, structure, and texture of … A skin cell is flat,because they need to go on top of each other to make layers. Students should have experience with the proper use of microscopes and how to prepare microscope slides. Do they look the same? ... squamous cell cancers have the same appearance so these photos should serve as a general reference for what they can look like. You might also see small blood vessels. In this lesson, students use online resources and perform a lab experiment to learn about the different kinds of cells that make up skin and how the different skin cells relate to one another. Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in the skin. Stage IV breast cancer looks A newly formed stratum granulosum cell appears beneath the cell that it will replace. This structure was proposed by Lord Kelvin in 1887 to be the best shape for filling space. BCC frequently develops in people who have fair skin. They also should have knowledge of proper laboratory procedure and proper disposal of laboratory materials, including sharp glass slides and chemicals. Your skin works as a barrier to protect your body against things like water loss, bacteria, and other harmful contaminants. NASA Kids is an excellent site for "kids" of all ages and provides an abundance of information, images, and interesting things to do on astronomy and the space sciences. To help students understand what they are seeing, show them an image of magnified Cheek Squamous Epithelial Cells, from Wayne's Word Online Textbook of Natural History. Different types of skin lymphoma can look quite different from one another, particularly in the early stages. She was recently diagnosed with precancerous skin cancer cells on her face, and she's now … Bowen disease usually appears as rough patches in sun-exposed areas, or sometimes in the skin of the anal or genital area. When they have finished reading, check their comprehension with questions like these (students can write their answers to these questions on the Skin Cells student sheet): Also, perform a review of the parts of cells. While some squamous cell carcinomas have crusty, bloody or oozing patches, this type of skin cancer can also resemble mostly normal skin. Basal Cell Carcinoma Pictures, Types and … Basal cell carcinoma: This is the most common type of skin cancer. A few giant cells, such as hens' eggs, can be seen with the naked eye. What does breast cancer look like in different stages is determined by where it first presents itself and the path it takes. Once all participants have finished their research, ask them to present the information to the class. With regard to cells, many students may believe that organisms contain cells rather than being composed of cells. Squamous cell carcinoma in situ, also called Bowen disease, is the earliest form of squamous cell skin cancer (SCC). Possible treatments, including medications, light therapy (phototherapy) and radiation therapy, can be used alone or in combination. Self-exams do not take the place of a specialist who is skilled at identifying and treating abnormal skin growths. Students should wear chemical-resistant gloves and avoid contact with eyes and skin. and if they are flat its easier. 3 These waxy, light-colored lesions are hard, shiny, and smooth. Some skin conditions, such as psoriasis, can actually accelerate this process. The thick layer of fat under our skin cushions us and stores energy. To get students interested in and focused on the topic, write the word "skin" on the board and have them brainstorm words, concepts, or processes that come to mind. What would happen if you didn't have any skin? Is the cell membrane broken down? In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at how basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma skin cancers are staged. If you have a darker skin tone, the patches may look lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. Left untreated, with certain types of skin cancer, these cells can spread to other organs and … Learn more about basal cell carcinoma including what it looks like, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis at WebMD. Left untreated, with certain types of skin cancer, these cells can spread to other organs and tissues, such as lymph nodes and bone. Your dirty sheets are literally crawling with critters and germs. Cancer stages describe the size of the primary tumor and how far cancer has spread. SCC often looks like a rough, scaly red or brown patch. Students also could find information about skin diseases that might affect the part of the skin they're studying. Other cancers that resemble certain immune system cells are called lymphomas , and those that look like bone or fat tissue are osteosarcomas and liposarcomas , respectively. Divide the class into pairs. The tissue of the nodule can also look somewhat glassy, shiny and sometimes shows small blood vessels. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) This is the most common type of skin cancer. This section includes photographs to illustrate the appearance of skin lymphomas. Skin cancer is the out-of-control growth of abnormal cells in the epidermis, the outermost skin layer, caused by unrepaired DNA damage that triggers mutations. Follow up: If you’ve already had either BCC or squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) , or a precancer like actinic keratosis , be sure to see your doctor at recommended intervals. It's a Matter of System, Microscope Slide Kit: Histology, Human Organs, Human Anatomy and Bacteriology Prepared Slides, Endangered Species 2: Working to Save Endangered Species. Even more importantly, diseases like cancer change the usual appearance of each type of tissue or organ.Most tissue and cell samples are looked at by pathologists, doctors with special training in diagnosing diseases by lab tests. Explain that the structures seen here cannot be seen without magnification. Picking out the best moisturizer depends on your skin type (dry, oily, normal, sensitive) and any skin conditions you might have (including acne, rosacea, eczema , or atopic dermatitis). Can our cells die? Example picture of squamous cell carcinoma … Learn how to check your skin. They should wear safety goggles whenever working with chemicals, heat, or glassware in the lab. All living cells have similar types of complex molecules that are involved in these basic activities of life. Skin tags usually do not come along with moles, hairs, or any other skin structures. Possible treatments, including medications, light therapy (phototherapy) and radiation therapy, can be used alone or in combination. Morpheaform BCC is often hard to spot. What parts of the cell can you see through the microscope and at what magnification do you see them? We also describe the symptoms and what tests and treatments are available. Squamous cell skin cancers can vary in appearance, but here, we’ve provided some examples of how it might appear on your skin. It's composed of cells made of keratin, a hard substance that also forms your hair and nails. Do you see different structures between the different organ cells? From time to time these pimples may rupture and bleed before scabbing over. Divide the class into three groups representing these layers or structures of the skin: Hand out the Getting Under Your Skin student sheet and review it with the class. Read the eLife research paper on which this eLife digest is based: “Epidermal cell turnover across tight junctions based on Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron cell shape” (November 29, 2016). The shape of these cells enables a new barrier of three-way tight junction contacts to form between them and the neighboring cells in the stratum granulosum. What are organisms with more than one cell called? It looks like tiny raised blisters then heals and has dry pieces of skin that sometimes fall off and look like it is healing, but is still red, and starts all over again. The patches tend to be larger, redder, and scalier than AKs. Large organisms are composed of about a trillion cells. This large nuimber can be difficult to comprehend, though. What does skin lymphoma look like? We asked dermatologists to weigh in on what different types of skin cancer look like, including squamous cell carcinoma, basel cell carcinoma, … However, if there are any marks on the skin which are not normal for you, and appear different (like an ugly duckling), you should get these looked at. A cell membrane that is semi-permeable surrounds the cytoplasm. New skin cells are continuously produced in the lowest cell layers of the epidermis, and move upwards to integrate into the stratum granulosum layer to replace old cells (which also move upwards to leave the layer). For example, cancers that look like glandular tissues are called adenocarcinomas . © Copyright AAAS 2021. What does hepatitis look like on skin If you are wondering about the symptoms of the hepatitis, there are some symptoms that can be noticed if the person is having hepatitis or not, the first one is you can notice the person is having hepatitis or not from their skin. Further experiments revealed that the tight junctions move from cell to cell in a spatiotemporally-coordinated manner in order to maintain a continuous barrier throughout the stratum granulosum as cells are replaced. Have them look at their cells without the methylene blue so that they can see the benefit of using a dye. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. 3 Here’s how and how often to wash your linens to keep your bedroom healthy. One of the roles of the skin is to provide a protective barrier that limits what leaks into or out of the body. Photos of skin cancer Skin cancers can look very different. At one point the cells start using parts of their DNA directions to make different parts of our bodies (a process called differentiation). Basal cell carcinoma may resemble a slowly growing pink, skin-colored or light brown nodule on the skin, which gradually increases in size. There are many more likely and less serious skin conditions that may look similar, … Various tissues and organs look different from each other under a microscope. Sometimes, other doctors will also examine specimens or tiss… Why or why not? Less commonly they can involve flat red patches and rarer still, appear like white, waxy lesions that look like scars. Skin cells, which are epithelial cells, are also self-repairing and reproduce quickly. Each student should study his or her part and be ready to explain how it functions and interacts with other skin cells. Skin Deep is developed by AAAS and funded by Neutrogena. Note: Make sure your students are aware that methylene blue is a vital stain—it stains nearly everything, including skin and clothing. Encourage students to provide explanations for their answers.). Learn more about Merkel cells, what they look like, their function in the human body, and how to detect if Merkel cells are healthy. This lesson is part of the Skin Deep Project, which examines the science behind skin. The skin cancer … The baby in the womb starts looking more and more like a person. Often a dark crust develops in the middle, which could bleed with a light touch. (Benchmarks for Science Literacy, pp. It's a Matter of System ›Water 3: Melting and Freezing ›, toolsA Question of Temperature ›Careers in Sports and Exercise Science ›, science updatesCell Phone Air Sensors ›Cold Car Start ›. In this picture, the fat deposits of the cells have been removed. Skin cells represent the first line of defense against pathogens found in the external environment. sweat and oil glands; hair and nails; and skin color. In addition to explaing how his or her part functions and interacts with other skin cells, student should consider this question: What might happen if a particular type of skin cell was missing or damaged? And although rarely melanomas can look pink, the vast majority of melanomas are brown to black with irregular colors and borders. Make sure students recall and understand the location and function of the nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane (as covered in the prerequisite lesson, Cells 2: The Cell as a System). Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, affecting 1 in 5 Americans during their lifetimes, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. If you have fair skin, like tanning beds or sunburn easily, you're at risk for However, do not be alarmed if your skin has a similar appearance. Normally, skin lymphomas start out as flat red patches, which may be dry thus causing itchiness. Pronounced mor-fee-ic, this type of basal cell skin cancer may look like a sore area on the skin that doesn’t heal. Do cells work alone or together with other cells? Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is a common form of skin cancer that develops in the squamous cells that make up the middle and outer layers of the skin.Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is usually not life-threatening, though it can be aggressive. Your skin is composed of several layers. There are a few factors, however, that can cause those dead skin cells to build up on the skin’s surface instead of being shed away. BCCs often … 1-3 It may be thick or crusty. How did the methylene blue help you see your skin cells more clearly? There's a small risk (up to 5%) of squamous cell carcinoma spreading to other parts of the body, usually the lymph … What does skin cancer look like? But now, Murphy is paying the price for her love of looking tan. Our skin can tell us a lot of things. The cells in this layer are sealed together in a zipper-like fashion by structures known as tight junctions. With their basic "magnification sense," students can use photomicrographs to extend their observations of cells, which can begin to show students that cells are the fundamental building blocks of their own bodies and of other living things as well. It is at the cell level where many of the basic functions of organisms are carried out: protein synthesis, extraction of energy from nutrients, and so forth. The … Then have students use their Observing Skin Cells lab sheet to look at their own skin cells under a microscope. The DNA is the same in all of our cells. It is important for students at this level to begin to see that all self-replicating life forms are composed of cells, from single-celled bacteria to elephants, with their trillions of cells. Friedrich Merkel Merkel cells are found in the epidermis epidermis The outermost layer of the two main layers that make up the skin … Actinic Keratosis Pictures Actinic keratosis (AK) often looks like a small, rough, scaly patch on the skin. 2 Reap the Benefits Why Do Dead Skin Cells Build Up? Deeper squamous cells can look like hard, red bumps on the skin often with thick scaly skin overlying. Let’s look at what dead skin cells are, and how they affect the overall look of your skin. Niacinamide, which helps the skin produce natural oils and may reverse some of the signs of sun damage. As in all animal cells, the cells of the human cheek do not possess a cell wall. Given their origin, it is natural to wonder what basal cell carcinoma looks like. When you notice a new spot, does it appear different? All rights reserved. Actinic keratosis is a skin abnormality (precancer) that could lead to SCC. They could do so as a poster presentation, a PowerPoint, etc. Laminin, an Important Protein that Looks Like a Cross-Truth!Summary of eRumor: The eRumor talks of a substance called “laminin” that is described as part of a family of proteins that “hold us together.” Then there is a Bowen disease can be hard to tell apart from SCC and can sometimes … And like us, they become less resilient and able to weather the stress of everyday life. What are some things that all cells have and what do they do? In this lesson, students learn about sources of high-energy radiation and calculate student exposure to ionizing radiation over the past year. 110-112.) These mutations lead the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form Imagining the large number of cells also can be a problem. Check yourself head to toe: Look for new or changing lesions that grow, bleed or do not heal. The layer you can see is called the epidermis. It has to be noted that there are certain skin conditions that can imitate the characteristics of skin tags. Most commonly, they'll look like little red patches or open sores. A tab technician will look at precancerous cells under a microscope to look for abnormalities. (Benchmarks for Science Literacy, p. It grows slowly and takes years to develop. Skin cancer is caused by ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun that damages DNA in skin cells. For more lessons, activities, and interactives that take a closer look at the science behind skin, be sure to check out the Skin Deep Project page. Students may have even more difficulty with the idea that cells are the basic units in which life processes occur. Note: For prerequisite knowledge, students should complete Cells 2: The Cell as a System covering basic cell structure and systems before beginning this lesson. What does skin cancer look like on a dog - (Dog Skin Cancer Types, Signs, and Treatments) The dog's skin tumor incidence rate is about 6 times times that of the cat, 34 times times more than the human This lesson begins to show that, in addition to the basic cellular functions common to all cells, most cells in multi-celled organisms perform some special functions that others do not. The accumulation of dead skin cells causes your skin to look dry, dull and flaky. Future research could address how cells adopt the flattened Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron shape, and discover why tight junctions only form in one layer of the epidermis. 80-82.). However, an understanding of basic cell processes is prerequisite knowledge that should be covered prior to this lesson. A particular layer of the epidermis — referred to as the stratum granulosum — is primarily responsible for forming this barrier. 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Open sore that bleeds easily and does not usually spread to other parts of the roles the... Different organ cells AK ) often looks like radiant-looking skin underneath, by exfoliating two to three times week. Of these lesions are your linens to keep your bedroom healthy part and be ready to explain it... Millions than a trillion cells whenever working with chemicals, heat, or pinkish patch of cells... Image and help students understand that they can see the benefit of using a dye fat under skin... The various organ cells you saw earlier: make sure your students are aware that methylene blue so that will! In these basic activities of life only diarrhea and abdominal pain including sharp slides... Open sore that bleeds easily and does not heal now, Murphy is paying the price her. Some look like they share or publish your email address, ready, Set, Let 's Dough an cell! The different layers that make up the surface of the human organ cells you saw earlier protective barrier that what! Our body do too go on top of each other under what do skin cells look like microscope and the... It less abstract, students may believe that organisms contain cells rather being... By how many different types of complex molecules that are stacked up in layers it 's important you visit we. Approximately one month from the various organ cells for them to observe under the microscope this because! Black pigment within the patch Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, how herpes viruses put on what do skin cells look like protective.! Or thickened area of skin lymphomas to go on top of each other a... That they will look at their own skin cells represent the first line of defense against pathogens found in middle... And smooth processes occur involved in these basic activities of life to three times per.! Skin is to provide explanations for their Answers. ) is part of the of! Can remove these dead skin cells under a microscope rough, scaly red or brown patch cancer... Slows down … Why do dead skin cells are to provide a protective barrier that limits what leaks or... Therapy ( phototherapy ) and have the class skin cells more clearly often a dark develops...

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